Pondělí, 6. března 2023

DCAT týden 2023

Aleš Šima

Head of Business Development

Tento článek je pozvánkou na DCAT Week, globální farmaceutická konference, díky níž mohou účastníci nabýt nové znalosti a rozšířit své sítě zákazníků a dodavatelů z různých farmaceutických společností, biotechnologických firem či dodavatelů.

Vzhledem k mezinárodnímu zaměření je článek pouze v anglické verzi.

DCAT Week is a premier global pharmaceutical networking event that attracts the industry’s top leaders from around the world. This event is an opportunity for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry to connect, network and learn from each other. DCAT Week 2023 is scheduled to take place from March 20th to 23rd, 2023, in New York City.

DCAT brings together more than 10,000 participants from pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, suppliers, and service providers. The event offers numerous opportunities for attendees to participate in conferences which provides insights into the latest trends and technologies in pharmaceutical industry, meetings, and events aimed at enhancing business partnerships.

Companies that attend DCAT Week 2023 can expect to gain a better understanding of the latest industry trends, learn about the most innovative technologies, and meet with potential partners. It is a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their products and services, and find new business opportunities.

Our Head of Business Development, Aleš Šima, will be attending DCAT Week 2023 and is looking for strategic partnerships for our current vial lines and upcoming syringe and cartridge line with an output over 100 million per year.

We are excited about the opportunities that DCAT Week 2023 presents and are eager to connect with potential partners such as pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms or suppliers. If you are interested in scheduling a meeting, connect with him through LinkedIn (Aleš Šima) or fill our contact form.

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